You can get a free chart at

It is recommended that you set up a free account there, so you can save charts. But you can simply run your natal chart without an account at this link.

Saving your chart as both a PDF (or screen grab) and printing it will be more convenient for future use. Though, if you set up an account, you can always sign in at Astro .com and pop your chart up on screen. has both an FAQ page and help if you need it.

The Better-er Chart

After you enter your data at the link at, you’ll be shown an on-screen chart. You want more.

In the left-hand side-bar, you’ll see an option for “Horoscope Drawings & Calculations”. Click on that. Then, chose “Chart Drawing, Ascendant”.

The chart that next appears is the one to keep. Print up and save as PDF.

Birth-time Situation

If you don’t know exactly what time you were born, you can still do some learning.

It you have a vague idea, then run several charts, at a range of times. If you have no idea, try to find out.

But there is an option of running a sort of “Generic You” chart and put the time at noon.

You can still join in the fun. But the more you know about your birth time, the more you’ll get to know about yourself.

While we are grateful for

And want them to prosper. We have to issue a cautionary note.

The site was founded and is run by some great Astrologers.

But for unknown reasons, the click-it free portraits are not meaningful anymore. If you try them, and think “this makes no sense”, you’ve had a brush with reality.

Don’t know if their paid products are also no longer relevant or not.